Shipping Information
delivery time
The delivery time for items is usually 2 to 4 working days from receipt of payment.
Delivery times information
The exact delivery time for your order will be displayed in the shopping cart or on the product page when you place an online order. If you gave us your e-mail address when ordering, we will also send you an order confirmation in which you will receive confirmation of your delivery time. We will also give you other helpful information in connection with your order via your e-mail address, such as delivery and return confirmations or free payment reminders.
If an item is not available at short notice or if the promised delivery time is delayed, you will be informed by e-mail.
shipment division
If the waiting time is too long, we will automatically split the shipment, which means you will receive the available items and the delayed items will follow in a separate package. If we have your e-mail address, we will of course inform you with a delivery confirmation that your order has been sent in several packages.
logistics partner
The items ordered will be packed by us as quickly as possible and handed over to our logistics partner ready for dispatch. Please note that we unfortunately have no influence on delays caused by our logistics partner.
shipment tracking
You can use your parcel identification number/consignment number to find out the current status of your parcel.
Shipping costs and information:
By default, the goods can only be shipped within Germany. Depending on the scope and location of your order, shipping can also be carried out abroad for a flat-rate shipping fee.
I. Shipping within Germany:
Shipping within mainland Germany is free.
II. Shipping within the EU:
We generally also deliver to the following countries (subject to reservations): All countries within the EU. For shipping within the EU we charge a flat rate of 15 euros.
III. Shipping outside the EU:
We also deliver (subject to reservations) to countries outside the EU: We charge a flat rate of 50 euros for shipping outside the EU.
If anything is unclear or you have any questions, please send an email to our support: info(at)